How Fast Do Golf Carts Go?

How Fast Do Golf Carts Go?

February 24, 2023 | Buggie Blogs | By: Bayou Buggies

How Fast Do Golf Carts Go?


The average speed for an electric golf cart is 12-14 mph. However, this speed is an industry standard for the needs of most golf carts designed for the golf course. However, golf carts are not only used on the golf course, and there are many different types of golf carts to choose from. The minimum speed a street-legal golf cart must go is 20 mph. So if you're shopping for a street-legal golf cart, they will almost always top out at 20 mph. 


Electric Vs. Gas Golf Carts: Which One Is Faster? 


Surprisingly, there is no noticeable difference in speed between electric and gas golf carts. The carts created primarily for the golf course will go around 12-14 mph, and the street-legal golf carts will go 20 mph. Most people assume that gas golf carts are faster, but it's not true. In fact, it is easier to upgrade an electric golf cart's top speed than a gas golf cart! 


Do Larger-Sized Batteries Make Golf Carts Faster? 


Larger-sized batteries, like 72-volt or 48-volt batteries, will not increase a golf cart's top speed. However, larger-sized batteries will enhance many aspects of a golf cart's performance, like acceleration and longer drive times between charges. Sadly, they will not increase the cart's top speed. 


How Can You Make A Golf Cart Faster? 


Golf carts designed for the golf course will come out of the box with an average speed of 14 mph. This is to keep the wear and tear on the vehicle and the golf course to a minimum. However, many people want to speed up their golf carts in order to drive them on the roads. Therefore, the golf carts we sell and service here at Bayou Buggies can be fitted with a speed chip that increases the golf carts' top speed up to 19.4 miles per hour. This top speed of "20" mph is enough for a golf cart to become "street legal" in most cities and states where this is allowed. For an in-depth guide of street-legal golf carts, visit our blog, Street Legal Golf Carts



How Fast Can An Electric Golf Cart Go? 


All the new golf carts being manufactured are built to the quality where the wheels, tires, frames, etc., can go over 100 mph. However, it is illegal for a golf cart to go this fast. 20-25 mph is as fast as a golf cart is allowed to go. But take our word for it; you really don't want a golf cart to go any quicker. Golf cart wrecks at high speeds can be brutal on the golf cart and passengers. 


We at Bayou Buggies would love to help you make the best decision for your needs and budget. So please don't hesitate to call us today for any of your golf cart needs or questions!